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From the Head of School


Welcome to Renton Christian School,
where we model Christ and achieve excellence!


On behalf of the Board of Directors, administrators, teachers and staff, I want to welcome you to the Renton Christian School website. All of us at RCS welcome the opportunity to partner with you to educate and train the next generation of Christian leaders in America.

Here at Renton Christian, our gifted teachers and staff desire every student to achieve their full God-given potential academically, athletically, artistically, and spiritually. These pursuits take place in the classroom, on the court/field, on stage, and in chapel.

There are few people more influential in children's lives than their teachers and almost no one who will be with them for more hours. For example, a student who attends church regularly and spends two hours at church each Sunday will spend 104 hours per year at church. The student who attends a Christian school will spend 6 1/2 hours per day, five days a week, 39 weeks a year = over 1200 hours per year at one's Christian school! That is over 10 times as many hours at school than at church! And that does not even include extra-curricular activities. Over the course of a student's entire K-12 educational career the impact of their schools is monumental.

It is a crucial decision for any family to decide where to spend their hard-earned money, especially during these challenging economic times. An RCS education will pay big dividends in the future as your student becomes well-prepared for high school and beyond.

Thank you for exploring the Renton Christian School website. We are located four miles east of downtown Renton, along the heavily traveled I-169 corridor (Maple Valley Highway) between Renton and Maple Valley. Feel free to contact the office staff to arrange a tour of our facilities or to meet with me in person. I look forward to connecting with you and your family in the near future.

Go Royals,

- Randy McMillan | Head of School

Randy McMillan

Randy McMillan

Head of School

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors of Renton Christian School, working under the authority of the Council of Elders of New Life Church, guard the policies, financial integrity and educational standards of the school.

The Board of Directors is comprised of the senior pastor of New Life Church (or his proxy), one New Life Church elder, and at least five at-large members.

Board of Directors:

Lori Baca

Darrell Schindel - NL Church Elder

Brian Billones 

Leah Davis

Chelsea Dunkley

Brian Pfau

If you would like to email the school board with ideas, suggestions or comments, you may email them at

RCS Leadership Team

Randy McMillan

Randy McMillan

Head of School
Lisa Hopp

Lisa Hopp

Brian Pfau

Brian Pfau

Assistant Head of School Operations
Nicole Barnes

Nicole Barnes

Vice Principal
Christin Cormier

Christin Cormier

SLC Executive Director

Extended Leadership Team

Kayla Buren

Kayla Buren

Position: Director of Elementary Student Support
Allyson Combs

Allyson Combs

Position: Director of Middle School Student Support
Luke Cruise

Luke Cruise

Position: Director of Security
Shane Hansen

Shane Hansen

Position: Director of Operations
Sherri Polich

Sherri Polich

Position: Director of Student Intervention, Instructional Coach
Brianna Prado

Brianna Prado

Position: BASC Kids Director
Freddie Prado

Freddie Prado

Position: Spiritual Life Director
Jessica Sankey

Jessica Sankey

Position: Director of Educational Services
Fabi Schubert

Fabi Schubert

Position: Director of Finance
Nicole Turner

Nicole Turner

Position: Director of Music and Arts Instruction

Elementary Teachers

Crissy Allen

Crissy Allen

Position: 4th Grade
Leslie Carino

Leslie Carino

Position: 3rd Grade
Laura Conkle

Laura Conkle

Position: 3rd Grade
Anna Elstad

Anna Elstad

Position: 1st Grade
Karen Finnestad

Karen Finnestad

Position: 4th Grade
Kyra Fors

Kyra Fors

Position: 4th Grade
Stuart Fox

Stuart Fox

Position: 1st Grade
Lisa Graves

Lisa Graves

Position: 4th Grade
Myah Hagstrom

Myah Hagstrom

Position: 3rd Grade
Rachel  Hall

Rachel Hall

Position: 5th Grade
Ali Hansen

Ali Hansen

Position: Kindergarten
Kaylee Hansen

Kaylee Hansen

Position: 2nd Grade
Kathryn Hashley

Kathryn Hashley

Position: Kindergarten
Michelle Khammavongsa

Michelle Khammavongsa

Position: 2nd Grade
Britney Krogh

Britney Krogh

Position: Kindergarten Prep AM/PM
Leigh Lunning

Leigh Lunning

Position: 5th Grade
Sarah Lunsford

Sarah Lunsford

Position: 1st Grade
Mackenzie Monten

Mackenzie Monten

Position: 1st Grade, Girls Soccer Coach
Cherie Morasch

Cherie Morasch

Position: Kindergarten
Laura Parmenter

Laura Parmenter

Position: 2nd Grade
Kacey Rhodes

Kacey Rhodes

Position: 3rd Grade
Ell Robertson

Ell Robertson

Position: 2nd Grade
Visnja Uzelac

Visnja Uzelac

Position: 5th Grade
Kirsten Williams

Kirsten Williams

Position: Kindergarten

Middle School Teachers

Ryan Anderson

Ryan Anderson

Position: Junior High STEM
Rebekah Brown

Rebekah Brown

Position: Junior High Bible
Kekoa Cerbana

Kekoa Cerbana

Position: 6th Grade
Jing Ping Chen

Jing Ping Chen

Position: Junior High Math
Judy Grandstrand

Judy Grandstrand

Position: Junior High Elective
Clayton Hashley

Clayton Hashley

Position: Junior High Math
Teresa Kunkel

Teresa Kunkel

Position: Junior High English
Olivia Lagerquist

Olivia Lagerquist

Position: 6th Grade
Austin Sankey

Austin Sankey

Position: 6th Grade
Stacie Shirk

Stacie Shirk

Position: Junior High History
Gini Welsome

Gini Welsome

Position: 6th Grade
Yuriy Zbrozhek

Yuriy Zbrozhek

Position: Junior High Science, Boys Soccer Coach


Elvira Bindas

Elvira Bindas

Band/Orchestra, General Music
Shawna Dazey

Shawna Dazey

Elementary PE
Shari Fiedler

Shari Fiedler

Librarian, Academic Support
Tony Lambert

Tony Lambert

P.E. Teacher, Athletic Director, Boys Basketball Coach, Track & Field Coach
Tayler Little

Tayler Little

Musical Theater Director
Nicole Odoh

Nicole Odoh

Spanish and Intervention
Patricia Rivera

Patricia Rivera

KPrep-2nd Music, 5th-6th Grade General Music/Choir
Melodee St. Clair

Melodee St. Clair

Computer Lab, Technology, IT
Susan Zbrozhek

Susan Zbrozhek

Events Specialist