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Things to Know this Week (Oct. 4th)

RCS Families,

On September 25th, over 200 students, parents, and staff joined together at the flagpole to pray as part of the national “See You at the Pole” day. I was moved by the heartfelt prayers given by each person who prayed. Collectively we prayed for students, staff, health, protection, unity, peace, elected officials, our country, and so much more. God hears our prayers. God answers our prayers. I continually ask God for His continued protection, provision, and direction for our school. Over the past 45 years, God has continually demonstrated His faithfulness to RCS as we have remained faithful to His call. Will you join me in praying for our school every day? 

Here are a couple of things to know this week:

Move-A-Thon (KP-4th Grade) | Color Run (5th – 8th Grade)

Our fall fundraiser kicked off on Monday and we have already raised over $72,000! Thank you for helping your student share their story about Renton Christian. This year we are raising money to improve our campus-wide communication system and other security system improvements. We need to integrate our security radios with a new network of ceiling speakers to improve emergency alert efficiency. This new system will improve our ability to communicate with classrooms for emergency and non-emergency purposes (i.e. announcements). Also, beginning this year, 10% of everything raised in our two major fundraisers will fund RCS Cares. This fund enables us to care for RCS families during times of crisis or need (i.e. flowers in hospital, etc.) If your student hasn’t jumped in yet, CLICK HERE to register your student and get their custom video.


Gym Upgrade Project Beginning

During our auction in May, we funded some upgrades to our gym. This project began this week! We are replacing the ripped and stained carpet walls and installing padded wall panels to improve safety for basketball & volleyball games. The new carpet started going up this week! Thank you to everyone who helped contribute to support our PE and athletic programs.

Goal Setting Conferences | October 17th & 18th 

Each October we ask every parent to meet with their student’s teacher. These Parent-Teacher Goal Setting conferences are a collaborative conversation about your child’s academic and spiritual growth. We intentionally schedule these conferences early in the school year to identify areas of strength and provide adequate time to address opportunities for growth. 

  • Kprep-4th Grade: CLICK HERE to book a 20-minute conference with your student’s homeroom teacher.
  • 5th – 8th Grade: CLICK HERE to book a 10-minute conference with the teachers/subjects you feel are necessary.


Harvest Days | October 24th & 25th 

Our 5th Annual Harvest Day is coming in three weeks! Instead of taking our students to an offsite pumpkin patch, we create one on our field! Every student will enjoy a fun time with our corn maze, pumpkin launchers, inflatables, farm animals, and they will bring home their own pumpkin. This year we are expanding this to two days. On Thursday, October 24th, Sonshine Learning Center & Rainier Christian (K-6th) students will enjoy Harvest Day. On Friday, October 25th, Renton Christian students will enjoy Harvest Day. We need your help! We are looking for several parents to help us facilitate this fun for both days. CLICK HERE to find ways to help us with Harvest Day serving or bringing a bag of candy.


RCS Mariners Night Reflections

Last Friday was our annual RCS Mariners Night. Over 750 people from Renton Christian and Rainier Christian came together to cheer on the Mariners and enjoy the fireworks show. Mr. McMillan and three RCS students represented our schools by throwing out a first pitch. CLICK HERE to see the video of the pitch from the stadium’s big screen. Thank you to everyone who came!


My Encouragement and Prayer:

During my morning devotions, I have been reading through the book of Psalms. I am always encouraged by God’s promises described throughout this book. When I see a promise I write it down. Not only is this list a great reminder of God’s promises for my life, but it also provides incredible content for my prayers. When I don’t know how to pray, I pray Scripture. I thank God for specific promises. I ask Him to continually show these promises in my life. Here are some examples from the beginning of Psalms:

  • I am blessed when I follow God’s plan (Psalm 1:1-2)
  • My life will naturally produce good fruit when I follow God (Psalm 1:3)
  • God watches over me (Psalm 1:6)
  • God is my shield (Psalm 3:3)
  • God is my encouragement and the lifter of my head (Psalm 3:3)
  • When I call out to the Lord, He answers me (Psalm 3:4)
  • God sustains me (Psalm 3:5)

Here is how I use scripture like these in my prayers, “God, thank you for your blessings. Thank you for your direction. You enable me to produce good fruit. Thank you for watching over me and protecting me. You are my shield from the attacks of the enemy. Continue to protect my family and RCS. Thank you for hearing my prayers and sustaining me. You are a good God and worthy of praise.” My encouragement to you is to use the Bible to focus and expand your prayer life. Our prayers move the heart of God. Let’s be a people of prayer!


Have a great weekend! 


Randy McMillan

RCS | Head of School

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Things to Know this Week (Oct. 4th)