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Things to Know this Week (Dec.. 13th)

  • Things to Know

RCS Families, 


Yesterday we announced some exciting news about the future of our school. CLICK HERE if you missed the email or video. Beginning next school year, we will be known as Redeemer Christian School. Jesus is our Redeemer. We will continue to keep Him the center of all we do. Also, check out the attached document for a sneak peek at our mascot and graphics as we become Redeemer Christian.


Here are a few things to note for this week:

RCS Christmas Concerts | Thursday, Dec 19th 

This is the season to celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We will have three Christmas concerts this year. Our students have been preparing and practicing for this special concert and we cannot wait to see you there. Each concert will be in the Main Auditorium. Below are the three concert times. These concerts times will replace our normal chapel times. Each concert will also be live streamed at:

  • Kprep-1st Grade: 8:45am
  • 2nd – 4th Grade: 10:00am
  • 5th – 8th Grade: 1:30pm


Save the Date! | Parent Enrichment Night | January 14th 

Nathan Sutherland, Founder of Gospel Tech, will be with us to discuss technology and our students. As parents, we need to be engaged with the technology and content our students are utilizing. Nathan will increase our awareness of how to keep are students safe and help them utilize technology in a God honoring way. Save the evening of January 14th to join this important conversation.


Reenrollment for 2025 – 2026 School Year | Coming Soon 

Reenrollment for next school year will open for current families on Thursday, January 2nd. Current families will have until January 31st to reenroll before we begin placing new families. Several grades will have a waitlist based anticipated new family interest. We will send you an email on January 2nd with a link to reenroll current students and priority enrollment for younger siblings. Thank you for your continued trust and partnership.

Spirit Day & Early Dismissal | Friday, December 20th 

We will have a Christmas themed Spirit Day on Friday, December 20th. Students are encouraged to wear their favorite red, green, and Christmas attire. Also, we will dismiss at 11:30am on Friday, December 15th as we start Christmas Break.


My Prayer and Encouragement

Every December, a passage from the book of Isaiah is an encouragement and anchor point for me. In this passage, the prophet Isaiah describes Jesus as the coming Messiah with four powerful characteristics. “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given…And he will be called Wonderful CounselorMighty GodEverlasting FatherPrince of Peace” Isaiah 9:6. These four characteristics anchor me during the busyness and chaos of the Christmas season. God is our Wonderful Counselor. We serve a God who wants to hear from us. We can share our celebrations and our cares. He provides perfect counsel that is full of wonder. God is our Mighty God. We serve a God that is more powerful than anything we are or may face. He desires to meet our needs and always be our source of strength (John 15:7). God is our Everlasting Father. Human time does not constrain our God. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow (Hebrews 13:8). His infinite context should provide us comfort and perfect context. God is the Prince of Peace. God’s domain is peace. Peace is His territory to rule and to provide. When we need peace, He is faithful to provide it to us (Philippians 4:7).

My prayer for you is that these four characteristics will encourage and anchor you during this Christmas season. I pray that the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, would guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus.

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Things to Know this Week (Dec.. 13th)